Walking the Post Road

First Congregational Church, Madison, CT

“The butterfly counts not months, but moments,

and has time enough”

from Fireflies,

Rabindranath Tagore, 1926

Distance Walked in the Entry: 5.56 miles

Total Distance Walked in Connecticut: 59.25 miles

Total Distance Walked for this Project (from Boston): 229.8 miles


  1. 1.George Eliot, Clinton Congregational Church, 1667-1917: 250th Anniversary of the First Church of Christ, Clinton, CT (Plantation of Hammanasett, December 28, 1665) (New Haven: Yale Press, 1918), passim.

  2. 2.Henry H. Pierce, Colonial Killingsworth (Clinton Historical Society, 1961), 9.

  3. 3. J.B. Beers, History of Middlesex County (New York, 1884), in Pierce.

  4. 4. Madison Bicentennial Committee, Madison: Three Hundred Years by the Sea, 1976.

The worst bird photograph in history:  Believe it or not there are 3 or 4 Monk Parakeets in this picture in an apple tree in Madison, CT. Since the picture does not do them justice listen to the voice memo I made at the time, especially the last couple of seconds when you will hear them making parakeet noises. I guess I will stick to pictures of churches.