Walking the Post Road

Newport Winery, Middletown Rhode Island

“This Island is throughout like a Garden from the Industry of their farmers who keep there ground very Clean.”

James Birket, Some Cursory Remarks Made in His Voyage to North America, 1750-1751, pp 30-31, Writing about Aquidneck, or Rhode, Island.

1. Frederic J. Wood, The Turnpikes of New England and the Evolution of the Same through New England, Maryland, and Virginia (Boston: Marshall Jones, 1919), 26.

2. Charles V. Chapin, History of Rhode Island Ferries, 1640-1922 (Providence: Oxford Press, 1925), 156.

3. Edward H. West, The History of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 1638-1936 (Providence, privately published, 1936), no page numbers.

4. Clarence S. Brigham, ed., The Early Records of the Town of Portsmouth (Providence: Freeman, 1901), 40.

5. William G. McLoughlin, Rhode Island: A History (New York: Norton, 1978), 21.

6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhode_Island

7. James Birket, Some Cursory Remarks Made by James Birket In His Voyage to North America, 1750-1751 (New Haven, Yale, 1916), 30-31.

8. Alexander Hamilton, Gentleman’s Progress: The Itinerarium of Dr. Alexander Hamilton, 1744, edited by Carl Bridenbaugh (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1948), 103, 157.